This is huge, it takes a fine attunement to listen and hear the messages, life advice and answers you are seeking….
Each day we are given the opportunity to hear direct advice from spirit, most of it is the answers we are seeking. Have you ever noticed strangers sometimes say the most random things? Or you get in a conversation
with someone and it pertains to something you are going through at the time. Spirit speaks to us directly through these conversations, but are we really listening?
For me I honestly don’t know when it just clicked and I went ahhhhhh I get it. I take everyday and every interaction as an opportunity to receive messages. It’s like a tuning in that happens, a short moment where I am transported into REALLY listening.
I don’t believe so much in coincidence, I think the universe is orchestrating so much as we make decisions each day, lining things up and we are making the choices to listen.
So try this….. when you are having a conversation with someone ask your inner self what you need to hear at that time. Slow down and really listen, it is mind blowing when we just slow down and live in the moment. When you need a message spirit will get in through in anyway possible.
Sometimes I use to joke about my spirit guides banging their head on a wall, it’s so simple but it’s almost like we speak two languages, but when it clicks it just clicks. Try it slow down, listen and see the beautiful synchronies around each and everyday…. Life just flows when you do