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Why We Are So Drawn To That Crystal? How We Feel A Crystals Vibrational Energy.....

Why We Are So Drawn To That Crystal? How We Feel A Crystals Vibrational Energy.....

Why We Are So Drawn To That Crystal? How We Feel A Crystals Vibrational Energy.....

Have you noticed a similar theme when you go into a crystal and gemstone store, just can't get that one crystal out of your mind? Maybe it is the color that drawn you, the sparkle....but it is that moment that a deep connection takes place.

Crystals all vibrate at different frequencies and we can feel and sense their subtle energy even if you don't think you can trust me you do. If you have ever felt very drawn to a certain crystal that is simply you connecting with that crystals energy, you have merged onto the same vibrational level and can sense its very subtle energy.

I think many people get stuck in their head about feeling the energy, like I feel like you might think its going to be this huge powerful energy that blasts you into outer space lol that my friends is your ego again trying to confuse you. Unless of course you are holding a piece of moldavite then that may be the case!

I have noticed over my life that certain crystals come into my life at different phases, I feel this very intense drawn to work with their energy and then move onto to the next phase and next crystal. One thing that helped me understand when I was learning crystal energy is I would look up the metaphysical properties of that certain crystal and I felt like it was reading my mind.....

The energy of crystals is very subtle but they have this ability to pull us into their vibratory field and help us to raise our vibration. I feel like this has to do with awe, we can raise our vibration by gratitude and awe that mother earth can create such magic as gemstones. Once we reach that high vibrational state that's where the work can begin to take place, after all we are the magic and the crystals just help us to see that. Together merged on this energetic level we can set our intentions to what we want to work on....

Sitting in silence with your crystal is the best way to hear, paired with automatic writing a lot can come out and just trust what you hear.

Everything I have learned about crystal healing over the years is from the crystals connecting with my higher self, the one day I heard very clear "it is the Awe" moment that is most important. I truly feel this is the magic, we are the magic and the crystals help us find that magic within........

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